Brass Nuts & Washers

Finished Hex Nut

Finished Hex Nut


Materials Include :

18-8 ss, 316 ss, 400 series ss, Brass, Silicone Bronze, Monel, Carbon Steels, Alloy Steels, Aluminum.

Finishes Include :

Zinc, Cadmium, Nickel Silver & Chrome Plating, Black Oxide, Anodize, Passivation and Heat Treating.

Brass Nuts and Washers Finished hex nuts are the most versatile and widely used nut design. They are generally used with bolts to lock jam nuts against finished surfaces.

Nominal or Basic-Major
Diameter of Thread
Width Across Flats Width Across Corners Thickness of Hex Nuts
    Basic Max Min Max Min Basic Max Min
1/4" 0.2500 7/16" 0.438 0.428 0.505 0.488 7/32" 0.226 0.212
5/16" 0.3125 1/2" 0.500 0.489 0.577 0.557 17/64" 0.273 0.258
3/8" 0.3750 9/16" 0.562 0.551 0.650 0.628 21/64" 0.337 0.320
7/16" 0.4375 11/16" 0.688 0.675 0.794 0.768 3/8" 0.385 0.365
1/2" 0.5000 3/4" 0.750 0.736 0.866 0.840 7/16" 0.448 0.427
9/16" 0.5625 7/8" 0.875 0.861 1.010 0.982 31/64" 0.496 0.473
5/8" 0.6250 15/16" 0.938 0.922 1.083 1.051 35/64" 0.559 0.535
3/4" 0.7500 1-1/8" 1.125 1.088 1.299 1.240 41/64" 0.665 0.617
7/8" 0.8750 1-5/16" 1.312 1.269 1.516 1.447 3/4" 0.776 0.724
1" 1.0000 1-1/2" 1.500 1.450 1.732 1.653 55/64" 0.887 0.831
1-1/8" 1.1250 1-11/16" 1.688 1.631 1.949 1.859 31/32" 0.999 0.939
1-1/4" 1.2500 1-7/8" 1.875 1.812 2.165 2.066 1-1/16" 1.094 1.030
1-3/8" 1.3750 2-1/16" 2.062 1.994 2.382 2.273 1-11/64" 1.206 1.138
1-1/2" 1.5000 2-1/4" 2.250 2.175 2.598 2.480 1-9/32" 1.317 1.245
1-5/8" 1.6250 2-7/16" 2.438 2.356 2.815 2.686 1-25/64" 1.429 1.353
1-3/4" 1.7500 2-5/8" 2.625 2.538 3.031 2.893 1-1/2" 1.540 1.460
2" 2.0000 3" 3.000 2.900 3.464 3.306 1-23/32" 1.763 1.675
2-1/4" 2.2500 3-3/8" 3.375 3.263 3.897 3.719 1-15/16" 1.986 1.890
2-1/2" 2.5000 3-3/4" 3.750 3.625 4.330 4.133 2-5/32" 2.209 2.105
2-3/4" 2.7500 4-1/8" 4.125 3.988 4.763 4.546 2-3/8" 2.431 2.319
3" 3.0000 4-1/2" 4.500 4.350 5.196 4.959 2-19/32" 2.654 2.534