Jalaram Metals has manufacturing activity of its products in the hub (brass) city called 'Jamnagar' in India. It has ass production capacity quality-wise. Runs for its products as per the design ans specification given by customers. jalaram Metals manufacture products, which are widely acceptable all over the world considering global standards and specifications of its end products. It has its own Research and Evelopment department inside the compound so that it fully co-operates with manufacturing department to produce quality products and new innovation.

Focus on our Customers: Our organization understand customer's needs and requirements and thrive to be at there level of expectations.

Involvement of our employee: We encourage the involvement of people ot all levels and help them to develop and use their abilities.

Take a system approch: Our organization is more efficient andeffective because we use a system approcach to identify interrelated process and theat them as a system.

Encourage continuous inprovement: Our organization continually tries to improve and take a permanent commitment to continually improve overall performance.

Get the fact before we decide: Organizations perform better when their decisions are based on facts. Therefore, our base is on decisions on the analysis of factual improvement and data.