Brass Nuts & Washers

Low Crown Cap Nuts

Low Crown Cap Nuts


Materials Include :

18-8 ss, 316 ss, 400 series ss, Brass, Silicone Bronze, Monel, Carbon Steels, Alloy Steels, Aluminum.

Finishes Include :

Zinc, Cadmium, Nickel Silver & Chrome Plating, Black Oxide, Anodize, Passivation and Heat Treating.

Cap Nuts looks like a hex nut with an acorn-shaped top! They are used to cover exposed bolt threads or to add a finished appearance.

  F G A H Q T U
Nominal Sizeor Basic Major
Diameterof Thread
Width Across Flats Width Across Corners Body Diameter Overall Height (Length) Hexagon Height Drill Depth Full Thread
Max Min Max Min Max Min
#6 0.1380 0.3125 0.302 0.361 0.344 0.300 0.340 0.156 0.250 0.156
#8 0.1640 0.3125 0.302 0.361 0.344 0.300 0.340 0.156 0.250 0.156
#10 0.1900 0.3750 0.362 0.433 0.413 0.360 0.410 0.187 0.281 0.187
#12 0.2160 0.3750 0.362 0.433 0.413 0.360 0.410 0.187 0.312 0.218
1/4" 0.2500 0.4375 0.428 0.505 0.488 0.410 0.468 0.218 0.343 0.250
5/16" 0.3125 0.5000 0.489 0.577 0.557 0.470 0.531 0.250 0.406 0.312
3/8" 0.3750 0.5625 0.551 0.650 0.628 0.530 0.625 0.281 0.453 0.375
7/16" 0.4375 0.6250 0.606 0.722 0.692 0.590 0.687 0.312 0.515 0.437
1/2" 0.5000 0.7500 0.736 0.866 0.830 0.720 0.812 0.375 0.593 0.500
9/16" 0.5625 0.8750 0.861 1.010 0.969 0.840 0.930 0.437 0.687 0.562
5/8" 0.6250 0.9375 0.922 1.083 1.037 0.910 1.000 0.468 0.750 0.625
3/4" 0.7500 1.0620 1.031 1.227 1.175 1.030 1.156 0.531 0.875 0.750
7/8" 0.8750 1.2500 1.212 1.443 1.382 1.220 1.359 0.625 1.000 0.875
1" 1.0000 1.4375 1.394 2.033 1.914 1.410 1.546 0.718 1.125 1.000
1-1/8" 1.1250 1.6250 1.575 1.876 1.796 1.590 1.750 0.812 1.312 1.125
1-1/4" 1.2500 1.8125 1.756 2.093 2.002 1.78 1.953 0.906 1.437 1.25